What is critical to quality in six sigma? ctq tree

Guide: critical to quality (ctq)

When to use a CTQ tree

CTQ trees are frequently used as part of the Six Sigma process. If you’ve implemented DMAIC methodology, CTQ trees fall under the “define” stage. However, you don’t necessarily need to implement Six Sigma to benefit from a CTQ tree. 

If you’re using the CTQ tree on its own and not as part of a larger methodology, you’ll still come away with actionable solutions for delivering a better product. You should create a critical to quality tree after you research the voice of the customer and start to identify customer needs. It’s useful to build a CTQ tree:

  • When you wish to develop a better product
  • Before launching a product or project
  • To better understand your customer’s needs and wants
  • To help your product or service be more competitive in the market
  • To identify and resolve issues with a current product or service

3 Steps to Critical to Quality Tree

Step 1: Identify the Critical needs

Define exactly which product or service you are going to analyse.

Ask yourself “What is critical for the success of the product or service?”. It is worthwhile to try and brainstorm this in a team of experts.

Try to get the “Voice of the Customer” by asking your customer directly if at all possible. Indeed, check out the opinions of those who work directly with the customer or the customers: Sales personnel, R&D personnel, Customer reps, etc.

This step can be enlightening as it will often occur that what we consider to be important, is simply not the way the customer sees things! They may see other issues to be far more critical to quality. 

Step 2: Identify Quality Drivers

Once you have determined the customer’s needs, you assess what drives the fulfillment of those needs.

By this, I mean those characteristics, attributes, factors or product features that play a key role or critical role in influencing the fulfillment of that need.

Step 3: Specifying the Requirements on the Performance

Now that you have determined the Quality Drives, your aim will
be to set up a range of results that will be acceptable in order for the
customer to be satisfied.

Evaluate also the ability to deliver on these requirements:
are sufficient machines, manpower, materials, methodologies in place (or is
further staff training necessary?) or are they reliable enough to ensure results are
within this acceptable range??

Does something have to be done to correct this?

Раздел 3: Применение CTQ в бизнесе

CTQ (Critical to Quality) — методология, используемая в бизнесе для определения ключевых факторов, влияющих на качество продукта или услуги. Применение CTQ позволяет более эффективно управлять качеством и повышать удовлетворенность клиентов.

  1. Определение CTQ-факторов

Первый шаг в применении CTQ — определение основных CTQ-факторов. Это те аспекты продукта или услуги, которые существенно влияют на удовлетворенность клиента и его ожидания. Например, в производственной компании CTQ-факторами могут быть точность размеров продукта, его прочность и надежность.

Сбор данных

После определения CTQ-факторов необходимо собрать данные, связанные с каждым из них. Данные могут быть получены с помощью анализа обратной связи от клиентов, статистических исследований или других методов, в зависимости от специфики бизнеса.

Анализ данных

Собранные данные необходимо проанализировать, чтобы определить, насколько удовлетворены клиенты в отношении каждого CTQ-фактора. Анализ позволяет выявить проблемные области и установить приоритеты для улучшений.

Улучшение качества

На основе анализа данных и определения проблемных областей, бизнес может предпринять меры по улучшению качества. Это может включать внесение изменений в процессы производства, обучение персонала или внедрение новых технологий.

Измерение результатов

После внесения изменений необходимо измерить результаты и сравнить их с начальными данными. Это позволяет оценить эффективность предпринятых мер и проверить, достигнуты ли поставленные цели в улучшении качества продукта или услуги.

Применение методологии CTQ позволяет бизнесу более точно определить нужды клиентов, сосредоточиться на ключевых аспектах качества и повысить уровень удовлетворенности клиентов. Это в свою очередь способствует улучшению репутации компании, привлечению новых клиентов и увеличению продаж.

What is critical to quality tree (CTQ tree)?

In other words, Critical to Quality Tree (CTQ Tree) translates customer needs into quantified requirements for the product or services. A Critical to Quality Tree (CTQ Tree) reflects what the consumers of your process cite as essential to success.

Is CTQ a measurable attribute?

The customer’s need is split into specific drivers which in turn are broken down into the measurable attributes. CTQ has to be a measurable attribute as it ultimately part of the product design that is either critical to the product performance or has the perceived quality associated by the customer.

How do you write a critical quality?

There are three important steps to developing a CTQ tree:

  1. Identify critical needs. Do not base critical needs on your beliefs of what customers require: Ask the customers.
  2. Identify quality drivers.
  3. Identify performance requirements.
  4. Repeat!

Why is critical to quality important?

Critical to Quality (CTQ) Trees help you translate broad customer needs into specific, actionable, measurable performance requirements. You can then use these requirements to deliver high quality products and services. CTQ Trees were originally developed as part of the Six Sigma methodology.

What is the purpose of Ctq?

How do you find the critical quality?

How to make a critical to quality tree

  1. Identify critical needs. Do not base critical needs on your beliefs of what customers require: Ask the customers.
  2. Identify quality drivers.
  3. Identify performance requirements.
  4. Repeat!

Как использовать Ctq для оптимизации сайта

Сtq (critical to quality) – важный элемент для оптимизации сайта, позволяющий определить основные требования и ожидания пользователей. Использование Ctq позволяет максимально удовлетворить потребности пользователей и повысить эффективность сайта.

Для использования Ctq для оптимизации сайта следует выполнить следующие шаги:

  1. Определение основных требований пользователей. Изучите целевую аудиторию сайта и проведите исследование, чтобы понять, какие функции и возможности они ожидают от сайта. Составьте список основных требований, которые будут являться Ctq для вашего сайта.
  2. Анализ текущего состояния сайта. Оцените, насколько ваш сайт соответствует требованиям Ctq. Изучите его структуру, дизайн, скорость загрузки, удобство навигации и другие ключевые аспекты, чтобы определить, где есть несоответствия и недостатки.
  3. Устранение несоответствий и недостатков. Используя результаты анализа, разработайте план действий для исправления несоответствий и устранения недостатков. Это может включать в себя внесение изменений в дизайн, улучшение функциональности, оптимизацию скорости загрузки и другие меры.
  4. Тестирование и оптимизация. После внесения изменений проведите тестирование сайта, чтобы убедиться, что все требования Ctq успешно реализованы. Оцените эффективность внесенных изменений и проведите дальнейшую оптимизацию, если необходимо.
  5. Контроль и анализ результатов. После внедрения оптимизации сайта используйте аналитические инструменты для отслеживания эффективности и удовлетворенности пользователей. Сравните результаты с требованиями Ctq и проведите дополнительные корректировки, если потребуется.

Использование Ctq для оптимизации сайта помогает сделать его более привлекательным, функциональным и удобным для пользователей. Это способствует повышению удовлетворенности пользователей, увеличению конверсии и улучшению общей эффективности сайта.

What does ‘Critical to Quality’ mean?

Critical to Quality is a list of essential features a product or process needs to have. These features are measurable. They’re also vital for the product to work as intended and meet the needs of its users.

CTQ is a commitment to understanding and delivering exactly what the customer values most. As businesses evolve and markets shift, CTQs may change. Thus, staying attuned to them is a continual journey — one that offers big rewards for the businesses that prioritize it.

Two real-world examples

Imagine purchasing a smartphone. What aspects of that phone are indispensable for you? It might be battery life, camera quality, speed, or screen resolution. These are the factors you deem ‘critical’ for the phone to serve its purpose. Similarly, different industries and sectors have different CTQs based on the needs and preferences of their customers.

Another example? Imagine you’re the chef of a Michelin-star restaurant, and your signature dish needs three special ingredients to wow your diners. In the world of products and services, Critical to Quality (CTQ) is like that list of top-tier ingredients. They are the must-have features that ensure a product shines and meets every customer’s expectations. If even one falls short, the whole experience could be compromised. Simply put, CTQ pinpoints what’s absolutely vital for making customers smile.

CTQ: A cornerstone of customer satisfaction

While CTQs might seem straightforward, identifying them is an intricate process. 

It starts by understanding the voice of the customer (VOC), which encompasses their needs, preferences, and expectations. Once the VOC is clear, you can work out your CTQs and from there make sure every product or service aligns with what customers deem essential.

Businesses need to understand and prioritize these CTQs. If an organization focuses its energy and resources on aspects that customers don’t value, it risks wasting resources and missing the mark in terms of customer satisfaction. On the other hand, by zeroing in on the right CTQs, businesses can not only meet but often exceed customer expectations and pull ahead of the competition.

What does “critical to quality” mean?

Critical to quality. Critical to quality is an attribute of a part, assembly, sub-assembly, product, or process that is literally critical to quality or more precisely, has a direct and significant impact on its actual or perceived quality.

What does critical characteristics mean?

critical characteristic. A characteristic of a process that can cause failure or defects if it is not present or not in compliance with quality standards or other requirements. Identifying the critical characteristics of a process is necessary in order to determine strategies for improving the output of the process. You Also Might Like…

What is a critical characteristic?

Critical characteristic: A product characteristic or manufacturing process parameter that can affect safety or compliance with regulations, fit, function, performance, or subsequent process of product. Also known as key characteristics or special characteristics.

What are the basic steps for CTQ for six Sigma?

The basic steps needed in CTQ for Six Sigma are as follows:

Identify the customer

The first step in the CTQ process is to identify the customer or customers impacted by the product or service. This may involve conducting market research, analyzing customer feedback, and identifying the different segments of the customer base.

Determine customer requirements

The next step is determining the customer’s requirements or expectations from the product or service. This may involve conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews to better understand the customer values and factors most important in the customer’s decision to purchase the product or service.

Translate requirements into CTQ.

Once the customer requirements have been determined, they must be translated into CTQs. This involves identifying the specific characteristics of the product or service that are critical to the customer’s satisfaction and directly impact the process’s success.

Prioritize CTQs

Not all CTQs are equal in importance. The next step in the CTQ process is to prioritize the CTQs based on their impact on the customer and the business. This may involve using tools such as Pareto analysis, which helps identify the CTQs that impact the customer and the business the most.

Measure CTQs

Once the CTQs have been identified and prioritized, they must be measured. This involves collecting data on the CTQs and developing KPIs that can be used to monitor and control the process.

Analyze CTQs

The data collected on the CTQs must be analyzed to identify the root causes of any defects or errors in the process that are impacting the CTQs. This involves using statistical tools and techniques to identify the factors contributing to the problem.

Improve CTQs

The next step is to develop and implement solutions that address the root causes of the defects or errors in the process that are impacting the CTQs. These solutions are tested and refined to ensure that they effectively improve the CTQs.

Control CTQs

Finally, the CTQs must be controlled and monitored to ensure that the improvements made in the Improve phase are sustained over time. This involves developing control plans, monitoring KPIs, and implementing continuous improvement initiatives.

By following these steps in the CTQ process, Six Sigma teams can ensure that they focus on the customer’s needs and drive improvements that directly impact customer satisfaction and business success.

Why is the Big Y important in project management?

This makes the Big Y a very important measure to take into account. The Big Y is usually directly linked to the customer requirements and is sometimes used to generate the little y operational goals that need to be better in order to achieve the Big Y improvements.

What are CTQs in 6 sigma?

In 6 Sigma, CTQ is an acronym that stands for Critical-To- Quality. Customer requirements, which are identified as CTQs, are actually a handful of elements which are considered critical to the executive team in determining the success of the project/product/process. CTQ trees were originally developed as a part of Six Sigma approach.

‘Critical To’ Tree Diagrams

There are 2 types of ‘Critical To’ Tree Diagrams,

and your Critical To Quality template (TreeCritical.xlsx) can be used for both

1) Critical to Satisfaction Tree Diagram

A Critical to Satisfaction Tree Diagram starts with a single output that is important to customer satisfaction for the product or service being analyzed,

choosing a single output from the SIPOC diagram that your team already created for this same process

and then breaks down the hierarchical layers of characteristics that affect that output, with the lowest layer identifying specific Elements that can be objectively measured.

A Critical to Customer Satisfaction Tree Diagram might identify product or service characteristics that are:

  1. Critical to Quality
  2. Critical to Delivery
  3. Critical to Cost

You will use this one template
in many ways

2) Critical to Process Tree Diagram

also known as a Process Flowdown

A Critical to Process Tree Diagram starts with a complex process

(such as ‘Order Fulfillment’, or ‘Purchase Requisitions’, or ‘Employee Hiring’…)

and then breaks down the hierarchical layers of systems and sub-systems that together comprise the complex process being analyzed, with the lowest layer identifying specific Elements that can be objectively measured.

Measurement Assessment Tree Diagram

Use your Measurement Assessment template
to dive deeper

Once you have used your ‘Critical To’ Tree Diagram template to identify the quality, delivery, cost, and/or process characteristics that are critical the satisfaction of your customers’ needs…

then your team might also want to use your Measurement Assessment Tree Diagram template to identify and stratify data that is (and is not) worth measuring and controlling.

This web page contains step-by-step training for both

1) Your ‘Critical To’ Tree Diagram template

2) Your Measurement Assessment Tree Diagram template


How to use your

What is a CTQ Tree?

The CTQ tree is a tool that helps your customer or user think through a requirement to get more specific.

It lets you work from the exact words your user is giving you, and break them down to more specific criteria.

For example, if you’re talking to your user about a report she needs, she might say it’s important that the report is useful and timely.

But what does that mean?

You can’t deliver the report that’s useful and timely unless you know what that means to her.

So you ask her to explain what “useful” means, and you break that down so you can make the report useful. She’ll tell you exactly what requirements the report needs to meet to be useful to her team.

Then you ask what “timely” means to her, and have her tell you so you can document those specific criteria.

These components define the quality you’re working toward.  These components are critical to the quality of your solution.

Hence the name Critical to Quality.

The goal of the CTQ Tree is to break the requirements down into components that can be measured.



In the spirit of understanding and clarity, let’s address some frequently asked questions about CTQ trees.

Do I really need to do a CTQ tree?

The direct answer? Not always. But here’s the thing: a CTQ tree provides clarity. It helps businesses identify and focus on what truly matters to the customer, translating vague wants into actionable specifics. 

While it might seem like an extra step, the insights gained can streamline processes, foster innovation, and enhance customer satisfaction. So, if you’re keen on ensuring your products or services truly resonate with your audience, a CTQ tree is a powerful tool in your arsenal.

How deep do I need to go when doing the tree?

The depth of a CTQ tree varies based on the complexity of the product or service and the nuances of customer needs. However, a good rule of thumb is to go as deep as necessary until you’ve translated broad needs into measurable, actionable requirements. If you find that a particular level doesn’t offer additional clarity or seems redundant, it might be an indication that you’ve gone deep enough.

How do I tell a key CTQ characteristic from a lesser important CTQ characteristic?

Determining the importance of CTQ characteristics often boils down to customer feedback and business goals. Some characteristics directly impact customer satisfaction and are thus pivotal. These are the ones most frequently mentioned by customers or tied to primary business objectives.

However, lesser important CTQ characteristics, while not as central, still play a role in shaping the overall experience. They might not be deal-breakers but can serve as delightful bonuses that further endear customers to your product or service. Prioritization techniques can help you distinguish between primary and secondary CTQs.

Are there any tools I can use to make the job easier?

Absolutely! Diagramming software is your secret weapon here. Cacoo, our own tool, offers intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, customizable templates, and sharing features to make the process quicker, easier, and more collaborative.

Why are these tools handy? 

1. Visualization: CTQ trees, at their core, are visual tools. These diagramming platforms provide clarity, making the tree easier to interpret and share.

2. Collaboration: Especially in cross-functional teams, having a tool that allows multiple stakeholders to contribute and review in real-time is a boon.

3. Flexibility: As customer feedback evolves or as more data becomes available, these tools allow for easy modifications, ensuring your CTQ tree remains relevant and current.

How do you identify critical qualities?

Critical to Quality (CTQ)

  1. Simplifying product designs.
  2. Aligning product designs with customer requirements.
  3. Meeting current marketplace quality levels.
  4. Exceeding current marketplace quality levels.
  5. Exceeding reliability and maintainability requirements.
  6. Exceeding product appearance expectations.

What is the critical to quality tree quizlet?

Critical to quality, tree diagrams are performed to translate customer requirements from a broad perspective to actionable and specific requirements that are able to be measured. The tree is a type of drill down that shows the scope of the project.

What is difference between CTP and CTQ?

the performance level of CTP should be in such a manner that it should meet the requirements of the customer. CTQ tree is used to determine, identify, and list out all the customers’ requirements into measurable operations.

What is meant by critical to quality?

Critical to quality (CTQ) is the quality of a product or service in the eyes of the voice of the customer (VOC). Use: It is a good idea to identify the critical to quality parameters as they relate to what is important to the customer at large.

What does Dmaic stand for?

Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control
Quality Glossary Definition: DMAIC. Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) is a data-driven quality strategy used to improve processes. The letters in the acronym represent the five phases that make up the process, including the tools to use to complete those phases shown in Figure 1.

Which is an example of a critical to quality tree?

Figure 1 – A Critical to Quality Tree. You use CTQ Trees by first identifying the critical needs of your customers. This is what your product or service must deliver for customers to be happy. For example, if you’re launching a new website, a need might be: “Must be accessible on a smartphone.”.

What are the parts of CTQ?

How to identify CTQ parameters?

  • VoC Six Sigma: It has been noted in the words of the customer.
  • CTQ Name: It has been noted in the words of the organization.
  • CTQ Measure: As identified by the organization.
  • CTQ Specification: As specified by the organization.
  • Defect: As defined by the organization.

What is CT matrix in Six Sigma?

The CT matrix is the tool that links the process or CT Tree (columns of the matrix) and the product or CTY tree (rows). Critical To Satisfaction (CTS) characteristics are the expression of the customer’s vital needs. These needs are translated into critical requirements for Quality, Delivery and Cost.

What is CTS and CTQ?


What is Ctq critical to quality critical Y?

A Critical to Quality (CTQ) Tree Helps Businesses Define and Meet Customer Needs. Before initiating any process improvement project, it’s important for a business to determine the characteristics of the product or service that are critical to quality as judged by customers – this is known as CTQ.

What are critical to quality factors?

Critical to quality describes the key characteristics needed to meet customer demands. These should be measurable factors, developed from the Voice of the Customer exercises. It is important to collect as much data as possible from the customer, then transform that data into key deliverables.

What are the parts of Ctq?

Below are the steps in developing a CTQ tree:

  • Identify the voice of the customer.
  • Understand the customer requirement parameters.
  • Prioritize the parameters.
  • Convert the customer requirements into CTQs that are measureable.

What is CTQ and CTP?

Critical to Process (CTP) are the key components of input variables. They are the process parameters that influence other critical approaches and those are CTQ(Critical To Quality) and CTD (Critical To Delivery) and Critical To Cost (CTC).

What is Ctq and CTD?

Quality and Productivity Improvement… CT which can be expanded to express concepts such as “Critical To Satisfaction” (CTS), “Critical To Quality” (CTQ), “Critical To Delivery” (CTD), “Critical To Cost” (CTC), or “Critical To Process” (CTP).


The implementation of Critical to Quality (CTQ) in quality management is a robust process that transforms customer expectations into measurable and actionable quality standards. It begins with capturing the Voice of the Customer, identifying critical needs, and breaking these down into specific CTQs.

Developing a CTQ Tree visually links broad customer needs to detailed quality requirements, helping stakeholders understand and meet key performance indicators. Finally, setting performance standards for each CTQ and continuously monitoring and adjusting them ensures that products or services consistently meet customer expectations. This comprehensive approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives continuous improvement, leading to sustained business excellence and customer-centric growth.

Что такое CTQ и как он может быть полезен в бизнесе?

CTQ (Critical-to-Quality) – это ключевые показатели (или параметры) качества, которые напрямую влияют на удовлетворенность клиентов и успешность бизнеса. Отслеживание и управление CTQ помогает бизнесу достигать поставленных целей и обеспечивать высокое качество продукции или услуг.

CTQ-подход является основой методологии Six Sigma, которая используется для оптимизации бизнес-процессов и улучшения качества продукции. Суть этого подхода заключается в том, чтобы определить и измерить ключевые показатели качества и сосредоточиться на их улучшении.

Для определения CTQ необходимо:

  • Провести анализ требований клиентов и их ожиданий.
  • Выделить наиболее важные показатели качества, которые будут критичны для клиента или успешности бизнеса.
  • Установить критерии и стандарты для этих показателей.

Преимущества использования CTQ в бизнесе:

  • Фокусировка на самых важных аспектах качества продукции или услуг, что позволяет более эффективно использовать ресурсы и время.
  • Повышение удовлетворенности клиентов и их лояльности, что способствует увеличению объема продаж и повторным покупкам.
  • Улучшение производительности и эффективности бизнес-процессов.
  • Снижение затрат за счет уменьшения отклонений и брака.
  • Повышение конкурентоспособности и репутации компании.

Для управления CTQ в бизнесе можно использовать различные методы и инструменты, включая:

  1. Диаграммы Парето для определения наиболее значимых проблем.
  2. Исследование рынка и обратная связь клиентов.
  3. Статистический анализ данных для измерения и контроля показателей качества.
  4. Методология DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) для улучшения бизнес-процессов.

Внедрение и использование CTQ в бизнесе помогает компании достичь высоких стандартов качества продукции или услуг и повысить свою конкурентоспособность на рынке. Постоянное измерение и управление CTQ позволяет бизнесу быть гибким и адаптироваться к изменяющимся требованиям и ожиданиям клиентов.

Which tool is used to prioritize the CTX?

A prioritization matrix is a tool used for determining the most important issues or solutions. This tool can be used for any prioritization activity. In a Six Sigma project, it can be used for filtering or prioritizing either causes or solutions.

What is CTS Ctq?


How do you write a critical quality?

How to make a critical to quality tree

  1. Identify critical needs. Do not base critical needs on your beliefs of what customers require: Ask the customers.
  2. Identify quality drivers.
  3. Identify performance requirements.
  4. Repeat!

What does CTQ mean?

Critical to quality, also known by the acronym CTQ, are the key attributes of a product or service that your customers have defined as being important.

Как определить CTQ и использовать

CTQ (Critical to Quality) – это техника, которая позволяет определить ключевые факторы качества продукта или услуги. Определение CTQ помогает сосредоточить усилия на наиболее важных аспектах, которые имеют прямое влияние на удовлетворенность клиентов.

Для определения CTQ следует выполнить следующие шаги:

Идентификация клиентских потребностей и ожиданий

Важно понять, чего ожидают клиенты от продукта или услуги, какие параметры качества являются для них основными.
Сбор и анализ данных. Необходимо собрать данные о качестве продукта или услуги, провести анализ, чтобы выявить основные проблемы и недостатки.
Приоритизация параметров качества

На основе собранных данных следует определить, какие параметры качества наиболее важны для клиентов и какие из них являются критическими.
Описание CTQ. Необходимо ясно и точно описать каждый CTQ-параметр, определить его единицы измерения и требуемый уровень качества.
Измерение и контроль. Разработать систему измерения и контроля для каждого CTQ-параметра, чтобы отслеживать уровень качества и своевременно реагировать на отклонения.

Для использования CTQ в дальнейших действиях, таких как улучшение процессов или разработка новых продуктов, следует:

  • Разработать действия и мероприятия для улучшения каждого CTQ-параметра. Например, изменить процесс производства, использовать другие материалы или внедрить новую технологию.
  • Измерить и анализировать результаты после внесения изменений для каждого CTQ-параметра. Это позволит оценить эффективность принятых мер и произвести необходимые корректировки.
  • Периодически повторять анализ и определение CTQ, так как клиентские потребности и ожидания могут изменяться со временем.

Использование CTQ позволяет ориентироваться на реальные потребности клиентов и фокусироваться на качественных аспектах бизнеса, что в свою очередь способствует повышению удовлетворенности клиентов и успеху компании.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about CTQ

How deep do I need to dive when doing the CTQ tree?

Usually, the deeper the better, as the customer will not always understand what they are asking for until they realize they forgot to ask for an important feature. 

Going back to the example CTQ tree, the requirement on the mechanical lowering of the beater blades into the mixing bowl did not state how far into the bowls the beaters have to descend. If the beaters only lower two inches into the bowl, they may not mix the custard well enough. Going back and asking for a measurement would be advisable. Other requirements, such as how “oval” does the oval dishes need to be, may not be a critical factor.

How do I tell a key CTQ characteristic from a lesser important CTQ characteristic?

It can be a challenge to separate a nice-to-have feature from a critical necessary characteristic. It can be helpful to use your information from the VOC, or Voice of the Customer, to help determine criticality for each element.

Are there any other tools that can assist with setting up CTQ?

One tool worth considering is the quality function deployment (QFD) tool. This is a methodology that assists with transferring information from the VOC and transforming it into CTQ, including assigning priority actions required to meet key attributes.

What action to take based on CTQ tree?

From the CTQ tree it can be understood, what are the needs of the customers, and based on that what are the basic characteristics of the product that the customers want. But to produce a product with such characteristics. The capabilities of the processes have to be precisely calculated. Also, by removing defects in production processes (which are unnecessary for the customer), production costs can also be reduce.

Start with customer requirements

First we have to understand the needs of the customer, if we want to find the defects in the processes easily. Through the “Voice of Customer” the primary data obtaining and the problems associates with the results can be translate through the CTQ.

Defects here do not mean that the product is broke or other technical defect. Defect here means unnecessary for the customer.

Eg – “A customer wants coffee without cream”. Then cream is unnecessary for him, or coffee cannot satisfy him in which the shopkeeper has put cream in the coffee without asking.

In short, a defect in which the product does not meet the customer’s requirements, or does not meet the functional or physical requirements.

A unit of production

A product unit is something that a customer can measure. So a business process should have a measurable and observable outcome. A result can either be a physical unit such as a process with a beginning and an end in the case of a product.

Identify opportunities for defects

Simply put, opportunities are the total number of possible opportunities for defects per product unit. Each of which possibilities must be independent of other possibilities. Also, as a unit, should be measurable and observable. Finally, feasibility is directly related to quality-critical characteristics. The total number of opportunities indicates the complexity of the product or service.

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